Governor Appoints Student to Community Service Commission
When Governor Bev Perdue appointed sophomore Michael Atkins to the state’s Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service, they both made history: at 19, Michael is the commission’s youngest appointee.
The Jefferson Scholar* sophomore–majoring in sociology and political science with a concentration in law–hopes to be president one day. That’s president of the United States. In 2028. Meanwhile, he says he intends to use his appointment to “inspire people–younger and older than me–to get involved.”
In December, Michael brought one such inspiring community service project to campus. Through the Warming Tree project, businesses, schools, and other organizations collect gloves, hats, scarves, and other warm clothing that is then donated to nonprofits that serve the needy. Michael and his sister created the project six years ago, when he was 13. He earned a Nestle Best in Youth grant to support the project.
With such a service ethic, and such determination, Michael Atkins may well appear on an election ballot in 2028, if not sooner. Stay tuned.
* The Thomas Jefferson Scholars Program is a dual-degree program of NC State University’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
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