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Your support helps us recruit top students — and aid others in need. It opens doors to study abroad, internships and other high-impact experiences. It empowers our researchers, who inform us about the issues that matter.

Opportunities to Give

Give today — or plan your future contribution. Donate to an existing fund or create your own scholarship or endowment. However you can help, your gift will have a real and immediate impact.

Gifts to department funds can be made via our secure online gift portal

Our funds include the following:

  • Sociology and Anthropology Enhancement Fund: Provides flexible funding to support department student, faculty and programmatic expenses.
  • Sociology Graduate Student Travel Endowment: Provides supplemental travel funds to Sociology graduate students who are presenting their work at scholarly meetings or conferences.
  • Sociology and Anthropology Research Fund: Provides funding to support department research activities.
  • Gary D. Hill Endowment: Provides an annual scholarship award to an outstanding Sociology student.
  • Anthropology Enhancement Fund: Provides flexible funding to support anthropology student, faculty and programmatic expenses.

Your Gift Matters

Your support helps students pay for enlightening experiences through internships and study abroad. With the help of donors, anthropology student Colin Gravelle worked as a summer intern for the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Gravelle, a Humanities and Social Sciences Dean’s Scholar, says the internship opened his eyes to new possibilities: “I feel like I’ve not only learned a lot about cultures … but also the overarching field itself.”

Student Colin Gravelle stands in the American Museum of Natural History